7th IWGoRS Meeting in Opole, Poland, 23-26 June, 2025

The local event www page is now online with information on registration, abstract submission, logistics, accomodation.

The 7th IWGoRS workshop will be held at the Opole University of Technology in Poland. The workshop will focus again on any aspect of gradient-related ground motion including the recording of rotations and strain, instrumentation, earthquake sources, non-standard rheologies, inverse problems, geodesy, earthquake engineering, long-period seismology, planetary seismology, array-derived rotation and strain, noise-correlation studies, ring laser technology, Earth's rotation, seismic decoupling, problems of fundamental physics and others.

The Meeting will be kicked off with an Icebreaker on the eve of Monday 23rd, 2025. Depending on submitted presentations, the meeting will end Thursday lunch time.

On Friday there will be the option to visit Krakow.

Scientific Committee:

  • Heiner Igel (Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich - chairman)
  • Zbig Zembaty (Opole Univ. of Technology – co-chairman)
  • Felix Bernauer (Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich)
  • Piotr Bonkowski (Opole Univ. of Technology)
  • Johana Brokesova (Charles University, Prague)
  • Eva Eibl (Potsdam University)
  • Celine Hadziioannou (Hamburg University)
  • Leszek Jaroszewicz R. (Military Univ. of Technology, Warsaw)
  • Chin-Jen Lin (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
  • Simon Stellmer (University of Bonn)
  • Angela di Virgilio (Ntl. Institute for Nuclear Physics, Pisa)

Local Organizing Committee:

  • Andrzej Marynowicz - chairman (Opole Univ. of Technology – chairman, dean FCEA)
  • Zbigniew Zembaty (Opole Univ. of Technology – co-chairman)
  • Piotr Bobra (Opole Univ. of Technology)
  • Piotr Bonkowski (Opole Univ. of Technology – scientific secretary)
  • Leszek Jaroszewicz R. (Military Univ. of Technology, Warsaw)
  • Arkadiusz Mordak (Opole Univ. of Technology – vice-dean FCEA)

Invited Speakers:

  • Carlo Lai (Eucentre, Pavia, inverse methods in soil dynamics)
  • Eduardo Kausel (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, soil structure Interaction)
  • Michel P. Ross (University of Washington, seismic decoupling, gravitational wave detection)
  • Yara Rossi (Ludwig Maximilian University Munich/University of Oregon, vibration of structures using 6C measurements)
  • Ulrich Schreiber (Technical University of Munich, ring lasers and geodesy)
  • Maria Todorovska (Univ. of Southern California, rotational seismic engineering)
  • Weiwei Xu (Chinese Earthquake Administration - 6C seismology, seismic networks)
  • Andrzej Katunin (Silesian University of Technology, shearography)

Tentative schedule:

Monday, June 23
18:00 Icebreaker
Tuesday, June 24
9:00-12:30 Lectures
13:00 Lunch
14:00-17:00 Lectures/Posters
Wednesday, June 25
9:00-12:30 Lectures
13:00 Lunch
14:00-16:00 Lectures/Posters
16:00 Guided City Tour
19:00 Conference Dinner
Thursday, June 26
9:00-12:30 Lectures
13:00 Lunch
Friday, June 27
Visit to Krakow (optional)