7th IWGoRS Meeting in Opole, Poland, 23-26 June, 2025

Details to follow!

The 7th IWGoRS workshop will be held at the Opole University of Technology in Poland. The workshop will focus again on any aspect of gradient-related ground motion including the recording of rotations and strain, instrumentation, earthquake sources, non-standard rheologies, inverse problems, geodesy, earthquake engineering, long-period seismology, planetary seismology, array-derived rotation and strain, noise-correlation studies, ring laser technology, Earth's rotation, seismic decoupling, problems of fundamental physics and others. Information on a detailed schedule and further organisational details will follow soon.

The Meeting will be kicked off with an Icebreaker on the eve of Monday 23rd, 2025. Depending on submitted presentations, the meeting will end late Friday morning.

The workshop will include a visit and conference dinner at Ksiaz Castel.

Ksiaz Castel, one of the biggest castles in Europe.