3rd IWGoRS Workshop
The 3rd IWGoRS workshop aims at bringing together everyone interested in rotational ground motions. This includes seismic instrumentation, earthquake sources and non-standard stress-strain relations, the theory of wave propagation and inverse problems for structure and source
Ground motion and earthquake engineering, long-period seismology, noise correlation studies, and any other area of application such as general physics. The Meeting takes place from September 22-25, 2013 in Christchurch, NZ. Registration is open shortly.
The programme of the workshop can be downloaded here.
Gebauer et al: Locally wind Induced rotational Motions in Large Ring Laser 'G'
Belfi: "G-Pisa" Ring Laser Gyroscope: Present and Future Activity
Chiu: Scaling Relationship of Rotation-Motion Effects
Hurst et al: Ring Laser Gyroscope Measurement of Absolute Earth Rotation Rate
Igel et al: Weak Motion Rotational Seismology Using Ring Laser Observations
Malek et al: Rotational Wavefield from an Anthropogenic S-wave source
Schreiber et al: Recent Advances in High Resolution Rotation Sensing
Velikoseltsev et al: Calibration of rotation sensors for application in seismology
Jaroszewicz et al: Fiber Optics System for Rotational Events&Phenomena Monitoring